Music Endangerment: How Language Maintenance Can Help (Catherine Grant)

  • Todd Saurman SIL International
Keywords: Endangered Music, Traditions, Minorities, Community Development, Health, Communication, Questionnaire, Assessment


Ethnomusicologist Todd Saurman considers language endangerment, musical endangerment, and community involvement as he looks at Catherine Grant's recent book, Musical Endangerment: How Language Maintenance Can Help. Todd feels strongly that music is a key to community health and well-being, especially as in its role in communication. He recommends Grant's book as a good discussion-starter, while also suggesting other points to keep in mind when working with minority communities and weakening musical traditions.

Author Biography

Todd Saurman, SIL International
Todd Saurman worked for 13 years as a music therapist in a mental health facility and in private practice with special needs children and adults. He has an MA in Intercultural Studies/Ethnomusicology from Wheaton Graduate School and a Ph.D. in Social Science from Chiang Mai University in Thailand.
Along with his wife Mary, he has worked throughout Asia with SIL International for over 20 years as an advocate for the music and arts of ethnic minority groups. In Thailand, he and Mary train others as catalysts for the creation of culturally relevant music and arts in Asia. They are guest lecturers at Mahidol University and Payap University in Thailand.