Music Composition as Sung Theology: Exploring Missional Significance

  • Nancy Durance TeachBeyond


This paper explores music composition as mission, elevating both its significance and urgency. Biblical references to Miriam, Mary, Deborah, David, Solomon, and Elizabeth provide insight into God’s intention for music composition as something natural, divinely inspired, and intended to be shared for God’s glory. Impediments to music composition as gospel proclamation coincide with attributes of the present day, including the rise of technology, limited attention spans, societal preference, and the propensity to elevate the provocative over the beautiful. Likewise, the impact of market economies, the commodification of music, and music that is mass-produced will be discussed as they relate to music composition. Music composers are therefore tasked with embracing their calling as cultural contributors, bringing edification to the body of Christ, pointing others to Him, instructing in theology, and bringing ultimate glory to God. There is relevancy for musicians and composers, church leaders, board members, mission agencies, seminaries, music training institutions, and for anyone interested in the intersection between the arts, culture, and mission.
